Dottor Roberto Cesareo
Endocrinologo esperto in particolare sulle metodiche termo-ablative per il trattamento dei noduli tiroidei e sulle patologie osteo-metaboliche, in particolare le malattie delle paratiroidi ed i deficit vitamina D correlati con numerose pubblicazioni a primo nome sulle più prestigiose riviste internazionali di endocrinologia.
Ha partecipato in qualità di moderatore o relatore a più di 300 convegni a carattere nazionale ed internazionale in ambito endocrinologico.
E’ direttore dell’Unità Operativa Malattie Metaboliche Ospedale “Santa Maria Goretti” di Latina.
Fa parte del board editoriale delle riviste internazionali International journal of molecular science; Annals of Thyroid Research; EC Gynaecology.
Da anni espleta attività di ricerca sulle malattie della tiroide e patologie osteo-metaboliche con la UOC di Endocrinologia dell’ “Università Campus Biomedico di Roma”.
E’ membro nazionale della scuola “Osteoporosi” dell’AME (associazione medici endocrinologi).
Il dottor Cesareo è anche consulente scientificio del blog “Accademia della Dieta” finalizzato alla corretta conoscenza ed utilizzo delle diete chetogeniche.
Collabora con la regione Lazio e la commissione regionale del farmaco alle linee guida regionali sulla appropriatezza prescrittiva e corretta riduzione della spesa (vedi ultima determina regione Lazio in merito alla corretta prescrizione di vitamina D n° 600683 del 28-01-2020).
E’ presidente della associazione Tendi La Mano-AIPOM (Associazione Nazionale Italiana Patologie Osteo-metaboliche) onlus che esercita attività di prevenzione e ricerca scientifica sulle più importanti patologie osteo-metaboliche.
Ha eseguito corsi di formazione per i medici di medicina generale ASL di Latina in merito alla corretta appropriatezza prescrittiva in tema di patologie endocrine.
Pubblicazioni & Abstracts
Trattamenti Termoablativi
Attività Didattiche
- Docente corsi di formazione per Endocrinologia per medici di Medicina Generale in Formazione AUSL Latina 2012-15.
- Docente di Endocrinologia Corso di Laurea In Medicina e Chirurgia Università “Campus Biomedico” dal 2019.
Direttore/Cordinatore più importanti eventi scientifici
- I° Corso pontino sulle patologie del collo, Latina 2005
- I° Convegno sulle patologie osteo-metaboliche, Latina 2006
- II° Corso pontino sulle patologie del collo Latina 2007
- Aggiornamento in tema di Osteoporosi e malattie osteo-metaboliche, Firenze 2007
- II° Convegno pontino sulle patologie osteo-metaboliche, Latina 2008
- Le giornate endocrinologiche romane, Roma 2008
- La medicina basata sulle evidenze nelle malattie Endocrine, Torino 2009
- III Convegno pontino sulle patologie osteo-metaboliche, Norma 2010
- III Corso pontino sulle patologie del collo, Latina 2009
- IV Convegno sulle patologie osteo-metaboliche, Sabaudia (Lt) 2012
- Giornata Mondiale sull’osteoporosi, Latina 2012
- IV Corso pontino sulle patologie del collo, Sabaudia 20111
- V° Convegno pontino sulle patologie osteo-metaboliche, Sabaudia 2014
- V Corso pontino sulle patologie del collo, Latina 2013
- VI Convegno pontino patologie Osteo-metaboliche, Sabaudia 2016
- II° Evento AME Lazio: Le diete chetogeniche, Roma 2016
- VI Corso pontino patologie del collo, Latina 2015
- 15° Convegno nazionale AME, Roma 2016
- Inquadramento diagnostico e terapeutico del paziente Obeso, Latina 2016
- Convegno studiamo la tiroide, Liceo Classico “Dante Alighieri” 2016
- 16 Convegno nazionale AME, Roma 2017
- VII Convegno pontino FADOI-AME patologie Osteo-metaboliche, Sabaudia 2018
- VII Corso pontino patologie del collo, Sabaudia 2017
- VIII Corso pontino patologie del collo, Sabaudia 2019
- Vitamina D: Elisir di lunga vita?, Latina 2019
- VIII Convegno pontino patologie Osteo-metaboliche, Sabaudia 2021
Libri ed opuscoli informativi
- Roberto Cesareo. Osteoporosi. Conoscere la Malattia
- G. Borretta, D.Bosco, R. Cesareo et al. Osteoporosi Opuscolo divulgativo AME 2016
- R. Cesareo: le malattie della Tiroide 2006. Opuscolo Informativo
- Attanasio R, Borretta G, Cesareo R et al. Manuale per la valutazione e l’inquadramento delle patologie paratiroidee e delle malattie metaboliche dell’osso. Manuale AME 2010
- G. Borretta, D. Bosco, R. Cesareo et. Osteoporosi, opuscolo divulgativo. Scuola AME, Osteoporosi, Malattie Osteo-metaboliche e Metabolismo fosfocalcico 2011
- R. Cesareo. Aggiornamenti sulla Vitamina D. 2013. Opuscolo Informativo
Articoli Scientifici di Rilievo Internazionale (presenti su PUB MED)
- R. Cesareo, G. Reda, O. Verallo. Tolosa – Hunt syndrome and autoimmune polyglandular syndrome. A rare case report. Min Endocrinologica 1995; 20 (2): 149-52.
- C. Letizia, M. Centanni, R. Cesareo et al. – Increased plasma levels of endothelin-1 in patients with hyperthyroidism, Metabolism; 1995; 44 (10): 1239-42.
- S. Fiorani, G. Reda, R. Cesareo et al. – Hypothyroidism and megacolon; Minerva Anestesiologica 1996; 62(7-8): 271-5.
- G. Reda, R. Cesareo, E. Lolli et al. – Thyroid cancer and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Minerva chirurgica 1997; 52(1-2): 139-41.
- M. Centanni, R. Cesareo, O. Verallo. – Reversible increase of intraocular pressure in subclinical hypothyroid patients. European J Endocr 1997; 136 (6): 595-8.
- R. Cesareo, M. De Meo, A. Agostino, G. Reda. – Pre-surgical medical therapy of hyperthyroidism. 1997; Recenti Progressi in medicina; 88 (6): 277-80.
- R. Cesareo, A. Casini, m. De Meo, G. Reda. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. – A rare case of familial hereditary transmission; Recenti Progressi in medicina; 1997; 88(11): 517-20.
- R. Cesareo, A. Tarabuso, M. Di Benedetto et al. – Plasmatic endothelin-1 levels in hyperthyroid patients before and after antithyroid therapy; Minerva Endocrinologica 2000; 25: 1-3.
- R. Cesareo, C. Napolitano, M. Di Benedetto et al. – Hypernatremia. Etiopathogenetic classification and description of a rare clinical case. Minerva Endocrinologica 2002; 27 (1): 43-7.
- R. Cesareo, M. Iozzino, C. Napolitano et al. – Obesity and hypertension. Recent advances in etiopathogenesis. Recenti progressi in medicina 2007; 98(7-8): 398-400.
- R. Cesareo, M. Iozzino, D. Alva et al. – Evidence based medicine and effective interventions of pharmacological therapy for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures. Minerva Endocrinologica 2008; 32 (4): 275-95.
- R.Cesareo, M. Iozzino, C. – Napolitano et al. AECA plasmatic levels in patients with severe dyslipidemia and carotid stenosis. Recenti progressi in medicina 2008; 99(5):252-4.
- F. Romitelli, E. Di Stasio, C. Santoro and R. Cesareo. – A Comparative Study of Fine Needle Aspiration and Fine Needle Non-Aspiration Biopsy on Suspected Thyroid Nodules. Endocrine Pathology 2009; 20(2): 108-13.
- R. Cesareo, C. Napolitano, M. Iozzino, F. Iarussi, B. De Rosa. – Using parathyroid hormone 1-84 in the treatment of osteoporosis: presentation and comments of main clinical trial. La Clinica Terapeutica 2009; 160 (4): 307-10.
- R. Cesareo, C. Napolitano, M. Iozzino, F. Romitelli. – Osteoporosis: Recent physiopatologic acquisitions and new therapeutic perspectives. Minerva Endocrinologica 2009; 34 (3): 255-62.
- R. Marrocco, V. Belvisi, R. Cesareo, C. Del Borgo et al. – Quantitative ultrasound in HIV-infected patients as a surrogate marker of early bone damage. Infection 2010; 38: 80-80.
- R. Cesareo, C. Napolitano, M. Iozzino. – Strontium ranelate in postmenopausal osteoporosis treatment: A critical appraisal. Int J of Women Health’s 2010; 21 (1): 1-6.
- R. Cesareo, Short term effects of levothyroxine treatment in thyroid multinodular disease. Endocrine Journal 2010; 57(9): 803-9.
- R. Marrocco, H. Martini, V. Belvisi, T. Tieghi, R. Cesareo, C. Del Borgo et al. – Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) in HIV-infected patients: a reliable and low-cost technique for bone health assessment. J of the International AIDS society 2010; 13: 1-2.
- R. Cesareo. – A Rare Case of Hypoparathyroidism Associated to Rendu-Osler-Webber Syndrome. Acta Endocrinologica; 7 (2): 267-72.
- M ZINI, R. ATTANASIO, R. CESAREO ET AL. – Position Statement: Primary hyperparathyroidisrn in clinical practice; Journal of endocrinological investigation 2012; 35 (7): 2-21.
- R. Cesareo, V. Pasqualini, C. – Simeoni et al. Prospective Study of Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation Versus Control Group in Patients Affected by Benign Thyroid Nodules. JCEM 2014.
- R. Cesareo, E. Di Stasio, F. Vescini, G. Campagna, R. Cianni, V. Pasqualini, F. Romitelli, F. Grimaldi, S. Manfrini, A. Palermo. – Effects of alendronate and vitamin D in patients with normocalcemic primary hyperparathyroidism. Osteoporosis International 2014; 26(4). DOI:10.1007/s00198-014-3000-2.
- R Cesareo, M Iozzino, L D’onofrio, I Terrinoni, E Maddaloni, A Casini, G Campagna, A Santonati, A Palermo. – Effectiveness and safety of calcium and vitamin D treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis. Minerva endocrinologica; 2015; 40(3):231-237.
- Vescini F, Attanasio R, Balestrieri A, Bandeira F, Bonadonna S, Camozzi V, Cassibba S, Cesareo R – Italian association of clinical endocrinologists (AME) position statement: drug therapy of osteoporosis. J Endocrinol Invest; 2016 40: 125-26.
- Cesareo R, Naciu A, Barberi A et al. – A Rare and Severe Complication Following Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration: RetropharyngealCellulitis. Int J Endocrinol Metab; 2016 Aug 22;14(4):e39174.
- Cesareo R, Palermo A et al. – Efficacy and safety of a single radiofrequency ablation of solid benign non-functioning thyroid nodules. Arch Endocrinol Metab; 2017 Feb 13:0.
- CM Pacella, G. Mauri, R. Cesareo et al. – A comparison of laser with radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of benign thyroid nodules: a propensity score matching analysis. Int J of Hyperthermia 2017; 33(8): 1-9.
- Cesareo R, Naciu AM, Pasqualini V et al. – A Rare Complication following Thyroid Percutaneous Ethanol Injection: Plummer Adenoma. Case Rep Endocrinol; 2017:1026139.
- R Cesareo, Andrea Palermo, Valerio Pasqualini et al. – Radiofrequency ablation for the management of thyroid nodules: A critical appraisal of the literature; 2017 Dec;87(6):639-648.
- Briganti SI, Gaspa G, Tabacco G, Naciu AM, Cesareo R. – Irisin as a regulator of bone and glucose metabolism: a narrative review. Minerva Endocrinol; 2017 Nov 20.
- Palermo A; Fosca M; Tabacco G, Cesareo R et al. – Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Parathyroid Tissues: a New Diagnostic Tool to Discriminate Normal Tissue from Adenoma. Analytical Chemistry Anal Chem; 2018 2;90(1):847-854.
- R. Cesareo, R. Attanasio, M. Caputo et al. – Italian Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AME) and Italian Chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) Position Statement: Clinical Management of Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults. Nutrients; 2018; 10 (5): 546-54.
- Cesareo R, Naciu AM, Iozzino M, Pasqualini V et al. – Nodule Size as Predictive Factor of Efficacy of Radiofrequency Ablation in Treating Autonomously Functioning Thyroid Nodules. Int J Hyperthermia; 2018: 22:1-19.
- Tabacco G, Naciu AM, Maggi D, Santonati A, Pedone C, Cesareo R. – Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy as a new complication of post-surgical chronic hypoparathyroidism. J Bone Miner Res; 2018: 36-39.
- G. Tabacco, AM Naciu, D. Maggi, A. Santonati, C. Pedone, R. Cesareo, D.Bosco. – Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy as a new complication of post-surgical chronic hypoparathyroidism: Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy and Hypoparathyroidism. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research; 2018; 34: 50-54.
- A. Palermo, L. Sanesi, G. Colaianni, AM Naciu, R. Cesareo, M. Grano. – A Novel Interplay Between Irisin and PTH: From Basic Studies to Clinical Evidence in Hyperparathyroidism. JCEM 2019; 13: 2018-02216.
- R. Cesareo, A. Palermo, D. Benevenuto and PP Trimboli. – Efficacy of radiofrequency ablation in autonomous functioning thyroid nodules. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Review in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 2019; 18: 10.1007/s11154-019-09487.
- E. Papini, CM Pacella, LA Solbiati, G. Achille, D. Barbaro, R. Cesareo, A. Chiti et al. – Minimally-invasive treatments for benign thyroid nodules: a Delphi-based consensus statement from the Italian minimally-invasive treatments of the thyroid (MITT) group. Int J of Hyperthermia 2019; 36: 376-82.
- R. Cesareo, A. Falchetti, R. Attanasio, G. Tabacco, AM Naciu, A. Palermo. – Hypovitaminosis D: Is It Time to Consider the Use of Calcifediol? Nutrients 2019; 6: 10.3390/nu11051016.
- PP. Trimboli, M. Castellana, LM Sconfienza, C. Virili, LC. Pescatori, R. Cesareo, F. Giorgino, R. Negro, G. Mauri. – Efficacy of thermal ablation in benign non-functioning solid thyroid nodule: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Endocrine 2020; 67: 35-43.
- PP. Trimboli, M. Castellana, LM Sconfienza, C. Virili, LC. Pescatori, R. Cesareo, F. Giorgino, R. Negro, G. Mauri. – Thermal ablation meta-analysis: the need of careful appraisal of meta-analysis methodology. 2020; 67: 270-1.
- G. Tabacco, AM Naciu, R. Cesareo, M. Maggi et al. – Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy as a cause of fatigue in chronic hypoparathyroidism. Endocrine 2020; 67: 198-03.
- Di Masi A, Leboffe L, Sodo A, Tabacco G, Cesareo R et al. – Metabolic profile of human parathyroid adenoma. Endocrine 2020; 67: 699-07.
- Cesareo R, Pacella CM, Pasqualini V, Campagna G, Iozzino M et al. Laser Ablation Versus Radiofrequency Ablation for Benign Non-Functioning Thyroid Nodules: Six-Month Results of a Randomized, Parallel, Open-Label, Trial (LARA Trial). Thyroid 2020; 30 (6): 847-56.
- Palermo A, Naciu AM, Tabacco G, R. Cesareo. Clinical, biochemical and radiological profile of normocalcemic primary hyperparathyroidism. JCEM 2020; 1; 105 (7).
- Di Bella S, Cesareo R, De Cristoforo P et al. Neck circumference as reliable predictor of mechanical ventilation support in adult inpatients with COVID-19: A multicentric prospective evaluation. Diab Metab Res Rev 2020;
- Cesareo R, Palermo A, Pasqualini V et al. Radiofrequency Ablation on Autonomously Functioning Thyroid Nodules: A Critical Appraisal and Review of the Literature. Front Endocrinol 2020; 22; 11: 317.
- Bernardi S, Giudici F, Cesareo R et al. Five-year results of radiofrequency and laser ablation of benign thyroid nodules: a multicenter study from the Italian minimally-invasive treatments of the thyroid group. Thyroid 2020.
- Vescini F, Chiodini I, Cesareo R et al. Selenium: A Trace Element for a Healthy Skeleton – A Narrative Review. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2020 Jun 27.
- Sambataro G, Giuffrè M, Cesareo R et al. The Model for Early COvid-19 Recognition (MECOR) Score: A Proof-of-Concept for a Simple and Low-Cost Tool to Recognize a Possible Viral Etiology in Community-Acquired Pneumonia Patients during COVID-19 Outbreak. Diagnostic 2020; 21; 619.
- Castellana M, Procinino F, Biacchi E, Cesareo R et al. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass vs Sleeve Gastrectomy for Remission of Type 2 Diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2020; 106: 922-33.
- Briganti SI, Naciu AM, Tabacco G, Cesareo R et al. Proton Pump Inhibitors and Fractures in Adults: A Critical Appraisal and Review of the Literature. Int J Endocrinol 2021.
- Naciu A, Verri M, Crescenzi A, Cesareo R. Hobnail variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma showing goiter-like presentation and rapid growth. Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep 2021.
- Cesareo R, Manfrini S, Pasqualini V et al. Laser Ablation versus Radiofrequency Ablation for thyroid nodules: Twelve-month results of a randomized trial (LARA II study). J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2021.
- Naciu A,Tabacco G, Cesareo R, Palermo A. Bone Quality as Measured by Trabecular Bone Score in Normocalcemic Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Endocr Pract 2021; 10: 992-97.
- Tabacco G, Naciu A, Messina C, Cesareo R, Palermo A. DXA-Based Bone Strain Index: A New Tool to Evaluate Bone Quality in Primary Hyperparathyroidism. JCEM 2021; 106: 2304-12.
- Cesareo R, Tabacco G, Naciu A et al. Long-term efficacy and safety of percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) in cystic thyroid nodules: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Endocrinol 2021.
- Bernardi S, Palermo A, Cesareo R. Current Status and Challenges of US-Guided radiofrequency Ablation of Thyroid Nodules in the Long Term: A Systematic Review. Cancers 2021; 13: 2746.
- Perrone F, Piccirillo MC, Ascierto P, Cesareo R. Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial. J Translet Med 2021; 19: 442.
- Mauri G, Papini E, Bernardi S, Cesareo R et al. Image-guided thermal ablation in autonomously functioning thyroid nodules. A retrospective multicenter three-year follow-up study from the Italian Minimally Invasive Treatment of the Thyroid (MITT) Group. Eur Radiol 2021.
- Vescin F, Chiodini I, Falchetti A, Palermo A, Cesareo R, et al. Management of Osteoporosis in Men: A Narrative Review. Int J Med Sci 2021
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